Monday, April 1, 2013

China's vanishing girls

I watched a documentary called China’s vanishing girls. It was about how so many young girls are abandoned, aborted, or killed because of the one child policy in China. Many people in China favor boys over girls because they carry on the family name and they care for their parents in old age. The main argument of this documentary is that because China has this one child policy and boys are favored over girls, young girls are abandoned, or killed as well as the fact that boys highly out number girls. This is causing a problem because there are not enough women to marry the men; some are kidnapped and sold as wives against their will. The documentary made a strong appeal to pathos because they talked about these girls never getting the chance to know a mother or father and simply being abandoned because they are a girl and not a boy. The documentary also uses scenes of many young girls in orphanages all left there because they were unwanted. The documentary uses a scare tactic that if nothing is done about this problem in China there will be more violence, more kidnappings of women and many young girls will continue to be abandoned, aborted or killed. There are many statistics that are talked about concerning the imbalanced ration of boys to girls in China and the number of girls abandoned or killed is extremely high. The film follows the journey of several American families who are going to China to adopt children they have never met before and will soon be the new parents of. This is one of the main strategies it used to draw me in and it really made me want to keep watching and see what happened next. I almost had a personal attachment with these families and I had to see them through their whole journey. I was completely convinced of the argument the documentary was making because the facts were all there and this is an issue I had already heard some about.

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