Monday, April 8, 2013

Art of Asking

When I first started watching this video I thought it was going to be very weird. I did not see where she was going with it in the beginning and was a little skeptical. But once she starting going on about how much people helped her just by her asking, it really interested me. You don’t realize how kind people are until people like Amanda Palmer remind you. Her way of life is fascinating and she seems like such an amazing person. I have seen several street statue performers and always wonder why someone would like doing that. It is really cool to be able to hear her side of that job and their point of view. It is unbelievable how many fans she has that have helped her. The fact that her music is free and she was so successful with it shows that people respond well when it comes to asking. They are not forced and makes them like the person asking more. It doesn’t make them vulnerable but shows that they are ok with relying on others. Amanda proves her point in such a creative way and is really inspiring. After watching this video I went on YouTube and searched some of her music. Her music is something very different than to what I listen to. The people that do though, love her. Just reading the comments you can tell she inspires so many. Amanda feeds off her fans just the way they feed off her. She speaks of trust and how important it is. In this time and day it is hard to be able to trust complete strangers but she greatly benefits from it. Amanda teaches a really good lesson and is someone that everyone could learn from. I ended up enjoying her lecture a lot and think she is such a cool person.

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